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#TVagainstWar: More than 50 armed conflicts ongoing around the world
 30 Jul 2014
While the majority of news today are dominated by news about conflicts in Ukraine and Israel fighting Hamas in Palestine, there are at least 50 armed conflicts going on around the world at the moment which take innocent lives every day.

The statistics show that since the start of the year (up to June 2014) these conflicts have resulted in more than 60.000 fatalities (Source: Wikipedia) with the highest number in Syria (28.600), Iraq (7.422) and Nigeria (5.026). Armed-conflict deaths have also been reported in Mexico, India, Colombia, Philippines, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, etc. showing that war is still very much a global problem but we don't enough information on it.

We at CEETV, TVBIZZ and TVBIZZ Russia believe that it is time to address the issue directly and get the TV industry engaged in an anti-war, anti-military campaign to raise awareness and promote peace. It is time to show that TV can build public opinion and make a change: to help bring peace.

We have called this campaign TVagainstWar

This is not a campaign of taking sides, making political statements or pointing fingers. This is a campaign to promote peace. To support the campaign you can write to our editorial team or simply voice your opinion on the social nets with the hashtag TVagainstWar.

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