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Czech Netflix to add hundreds of new Czech films and improved localization
 15 Oct 2019
Czech Netflix users received a large boon this week as the online streaming service has significantly improved its local Czech and Czech-language service, The Prague Reporter writes.

An estimated 1.000 films currently on Netflix have received additional Czech subtitle and/or dubbing tracks as of yesterday, or approximately 20% of all content now streaming on the Czech version of the service. The Netflix user interface will also be getting a Czech-language option. Additionally, Netflix has begun to license and stream original Czech and Slovak-language films, with seven new titles appearing on the streaming service. Bonus for non-Czech-speaking Netflix customers in the Czech Republic: so far, all new Czech movies on Netflix are also available with English subtitles.

According to the online streaming giant, an estimated 150 new Czech films will be coming to Netflix in the coming weeks and months, perhaps as soon as next week. The addition of English subtitles to all current Czech features on Netflix is a great sign for future content.

Netflix is preparing for increased competition on the Czech streaming market, with Apple TV+, which has promised improved Czech-language programming, set to launch on November 1 at a significantly lower price point than Netflix.

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