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Montenegrin AEM asks Serbian REM to ‘check’ Happy and Pink
 20 Sep 2021
Montenegro’s Council of the Agency for Electronic Media (SAEM) asked the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media in Serbia to initiate a procedure for determining the responsibility of broadcasters Happy TV, Pink M, Pink Plus and Pink from Serbia, due to violations of the standards prescribed by the Convention on Transfrontier Television and the AVM Services Directive, and take adequate measures.

“The procedure is initiated because SAEM noticed that the mentioned broadcasters unequivocally and continuously broadcast content that incites hatred, intolerance and discrimination against members of the Montenegrin nationality. Frequent broadcasting (especially observed in the period August – September 2021), within the content of various forms and genres, derogatory, insulting or disturbing expression is used, which encourages intense negative emotions, expression of hostility or desire for discrimination, as well as belittling or devaluing members of the Montenegrin nationality, by denying their national identity and uniqueness,” the SAEM stated.
They added that “recognizing that this is a matter of public interest, i.e. violation of the standards prescribed by the international documents, SAEM called on the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media in Serbia to, within its competences, take the necessary actions to eliminate them within 15 days.”

“If the violation of the mentioned media standards continues after the expiration of the mentioned deadline, the Council of the Agency will take measures to limit the rebroadcasting of the disputed programs on the territory of Montenegro,” said the SAEM.

Referring to Montenegrin media coverage, they called on electronic media to “respect professional standards, contribute to the elimination of sensationalism and misinformation, and contribute to the elimination of tensions and constructive dialogue through their reporting.”

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