A number of popular journalists quit Russian channels
Lilia Gildeyeva, a well-known host of NTV Russia, who hosted the Segodnya program for many years, has quit her job and left Russia. The woman wrote a termination statement from abroad, because she was afraid that she would not be let out of the country.
She reported this to the Varlamov News Telegram channel. “I left first because I was afraid that they would simply not let me go, then I wrote a request to terminate my employment,” she said. Russian President Vladimir Putin aknowledged Gildeyeva twice during her work for NTV: in 2008 - "for information support and active social work for the development of civil society in the Russian Federation,” and in 2021 - "for merits in the development of the media and many years of conscientious work." Many more employees of Russian state TV channels are leaving due to coverage of the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Meduza and sources of Russian journalist Roman Super inform. Journalists have become aware of the dismissal of Zhanna Agalakova, correspondent of Perviy (Channel One) in Paris. When asked by Meduza journalists about the reasons for her dismissal, she replied "I think the answer is obvious." Yelena Afanasyeva, former head of Perviy’s Creative Planning Directorate from 2006 to 2021, claims that many employees at the propaganda channel "disagree" with the official line of coverage. According to her, since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, most workers have been nervous, but they are afraid or cannot quit "because of the mortgage and the need to provide for their families." Another unnamed Meduza source, connected to Perviy, confirmed that all employees are nervous about the official line of coverage: "Everyone, without exception, understands that they are lying - they have screens with Reuters and AP news hanging in their studios, and gag orders and texts that have no foothold on reality at all communicated from above. From the very beginning of the war, the middle staff of the news service has panicked: why are we lying, what will happen to us? But their bosses reassure: they say, now they will throw off Zelensky and everything will be as before. But time goes on, no one throws off Zelensky, people with brains and access to information are losing nerves." Meduza claims that another Russian state-owned company, Russia Television and Radio (RTR, operates Rossiya 1 and Rossiya 24 TV channels), faces a similar situation. Employees are allegedly "dissatisfied" with talking about the "peacekeeping special operation", but at the same time they learn from relatives or friends of military age that they are trying to stealthily take them to Ukraine to participate in hostilities. In addition, Russian journalist Roman Super said that on March 15, Vadim Glusker resigned from NTV, and Yulia Vorobyova and Sergey Brilev resigned from Perviy. According to Super, employees of the Russia Television and Radio are leaving the Vesti program en masse, in particular the director of the daily broadcast and the producer of the Vesti Nedeli program, who have worked for Russian propaganda for many years. RELATED