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Moldova shuts six channels over spread of Russian propaganda
 01 Nov 2023
Moldova's Commission for Exceptional Situations decided on October 30 to suspend the broadcast of six television stations, during the state of emergency, because, through them, Russia would conduct disinformation campaigns that would influence the local elections in the Republic of Moldova. Through a press release, the Commission announced those were Orizont TV, ITV, Prime, Publika TV, Canal 2 and Canal 3, which are allegedly controlled by businessmen Vlad Plahotniuc and Ilan Şor.

"From the report presented, SIS (Information and Security Service) has information and evidence that the Russian Federation is influencing the local elections of November 5 and undermining the democratic process in the Republic of Moldova, including through disinformation campaigns carried out by these TV stations.

The SIS report demonstrates that these television stations are subordinate to the criminal groups of Şor and Plahotniuc, which, through interposed persons, act in tandem to destabilize the situation in the Republic of Moldova. The nets in question are financed through various obscure schemes, based on partnerships concluded with persons included in the lists of international sanctions," the institution's statement says.

"The editorial policy of the targeted television stations is oriented towards launching disinformation campaigns to discredit the external political course of our country and promote geopolitical narratives in favor of the Russian Federation," the CSE press release also states.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Dorin Recean, posted a message on his Facebook page, in which he mentions that his country is subjected to hybrid attacks from the Russian Federation on a daily basis.

"In recent weeks, these threats have increased in intensity. Russia, through organized criminal groups, wants to influence the local elections on November 5 and undermine the democratic process.

Today, on the recommendation of the SIS, the CSE decided to suspend the licenses of 6 television stations that promote foreign interests. These broadcasters are subordinated to the Plahotniuc and Şor criminal groups, which joined their efforts to destabilize the country. We have evidence that these stations pursue an interest outside the Republic of Moldova, for destabilizing purposes. We will not allow this and we will act every time promptly and decisively in the interest of the citizens", stated Dorin Recean.

The Orizont TV and ITV stations came up with a joint public statement in which they qualify these actions as a new, unprecedented attack on media freedom in the Republic of Moldova.

"The Director of the SIS, threw into the public space an unprecedented dose of falsehoods addressed to several TV stations, unjustifiably accusing the media providers of manipulation, disinformation, hybrid war and all possible and impossible crimes , requesting the Commission for Exceptional Situations to suspend the licenses of 6 TV stations – Orizon TV, ITV, Prime, PublikaTV, Canal 2, and Canal 3.

We would like to mention that all the accusations brought to the TV stations are gross forgeries, without any evidence or legal justification. TV stations operate strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Media-Audiovisual Services Code and international standards in the field. The sanctions that have been talked about have nothing to do with accusations related to disinformation, hybrid warfare or anything else."

In another joint statement, quoted by Europa Liberă, Prime TV and Publika TV said that the decision of the CE is "abusive and illegal" and that they will challenge it in court, and in the meantime they are looking for technical solutions to reach their viewers.

The two stations ask the press associations in the country and abroad, the ombudsman and the embassies to condemn the "serious political abuse, which is repeatedly exercised on the pluralism of opinion and on the freedom of the mass media" in the Republic of Moldova.

Three media organizations (the Center for Independent Journalism, the Electronic Press Association and the "Access-Info" Center) have already expressed their concern about the fact that the licenses of some television stations are, once again, suspended in the absence of extensive explanations. The respective NGOs ask the authorities to communicate the arguments and evidence that were the basis of the CSE decision, according to EuropaLibera.

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