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MBC drops Turkish content over Erdogan’s Mideast policies
 05 Mar 2018
The largest commercial broadcaster in the Middle East, MBC Group, discontinued broadcasts of all Turkish content on March 1. The move could mean a serious blow for Turkish distributors which generate their biggest revenues from this region.

No official statement has been issued yet by the pan-Arab broadcaster, but reports attributed the move to a decision “to put an end to the use of soft power to promote the image and beauty of Turkey in Arab homes since Ankara is not reciprocating and is embracing policies that are not necessarily in the interest of the Arab region,” Gulf News writes.

The Associated Press notes today that relations between Saudi Arabia and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are at a low. Turkey has strongly backed Qatar as Saudi Arabia and three other Arab nations now boycott it, while Ankara also maintains ties to Iran, the kingdom’s regional rival.

“There is a decision to remove all Turkish drama off several TV outlets in the region,” MBC spokesman Mazen Hayek told The Associated Press on Monday. “I can’t confirm who took the decision.”

MBC Group’s owner Al-Ibrahim was among dozens of princes, businessmen, military leaders and government officials rounded up in what Saudi authorities described as an anti-corruption campaign several months ago. The arrests also consolidated of the power of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the son of King Salman who has grown increasingly assertive as he is now next in line to the throne.

The Saudi government has said the arrests saw detainees agree to hand over $106 billion in assets in exchange for their freedom. It’s unclear what al-Ibrahim agreed to with the government.

Asked Monday about MBC’s current ownership structure, Hayek said al-Ibrahim retains a 40-percent stake and has “nominal management control” of the network. Hayek said he could not confirm who held the other 60 percent of the company.

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