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Polish government approves amendments to local TV and radio legislation
 19 Apr 2018
On April 17, the Polish government adopted amendments to the laws on radio and TV and subscription fees, press.pl reports. The amendments align the legislation with the European Commission’s position of 2011, which requires a comprehensive specification of the public service mission and the limiting of state aid to public media.

The changes in legislation have been prepared by the Ministry of Culture and introduce the so-called “obligation card” that outlines the mission of public service broadcasters for a period of five years. The card will be the result of an agreement between the broadcaster and the chairman of the National Broadcasting Council. Currently, 19 public radio and TV broadcasters have to submit quarterly reports on the implementation of the public service mission to the National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT).

As soon as the amendments have been put into effect, the public radio and TV broadcasters will be will be required to establish a charter with the KRRiT defining which projects they will implement as part their public service mission. They will also have to submit a plan as to how these projects will be financed, both from public funds and commercial activities.

The amendments also regulate the principles of supervision over the quality of the implementation of the public mission, including clarifying the reporting obligations of broadcasters and extending supervisory competences over broadcasters. It also introduces the possibility of issuing binding recommendations for the implementation of the mission, and if they would not be implemented - imposing financial penalties on the people managing the broadcasters' activity.

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