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RTL Hungary condemns homophobia
 14 Jun 2021
RTL Hungary has reacted to proposed changes in Hungarian legislation with the following statement:

“The protection of families and children is of paramount importance for RTL Hungary as reflected in its program policy and social responsibility alike. We also believe that diversity and tolerance are important European values, and we are concerned that a bill tabled last week also seriously violates freedom of expression and the non-discrimination provisions of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

The draft would disproportionately restrict any picturing of homosexuality in the media and disregard fundamental freedoms, moreover, prohibit minors from viewing people of different gender identities in shows, movies, or even just commercials. According to the draft, works such as Billy Elliot, Philadelphia, the Bridget Jones’s Diary, or even some film adaptations of Harry Potter franchise could only be shown to the audience over the age of 18 late at night, and series such as The Modern Family (Modern Család), Friends (Jóbarátok), or just a few episodes of Neighbors (Szomszédok) and Among Friends (Barátok közt) would be banned as well.

The provisions of the draft will cause significant economic damage to the domestic media market stakeholders and make it more difficult for the citizens to access certain content; and more importantly, the proposed regulation will effectively exclude sexual minorities from the mass media, making it impossible to combat negative stereotypes in society today.

We are proud that the community of our employees is diverse, as is society, and we have many non-heterosexual colleagues and viewers. Thus, it is also because of them that we have to protest against the fact that, because of the draft bill, people with a gender identity other than the majority could only be portrayed under such conditions and in such late-night timeframes as characters in horror movies for instance.”

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