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ActiveWatch: Insolvency of TVR is not a solution for the pubcaster’s financial troubles
 14 Mar 2016
ActiveWatch believes that the insolvency is not a solution for the financial recovery of TVR. The NGO calls for the Parliament and the Government to take measures "without which TVR can not survive: radical change of the media law under which TVR operates and television tax indexation in line with inflation."

ActiveWatch said in an open letter that the political environment is the main culprit for the situation TVR has found itself in. "The political environment is primarily responsible for the disastrous situation of public television which was under incompetent and corrupt management that used legal mechanisms that allowed the plundering of TVR resources with no public scrutiny and no legal consequence and, especially by the systematic refusal to amend the law 41/1994 and the TV tax and now, after having "failed" these "performances", the political environment punishes with a solution that endangers the public mission of the radio and television," says ActiveWatch.

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