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TVBIZZ Magazine out now at NATPE Budapest International 2022
 27 Jun 2022
TVBIZZ Magazine’s brand-new issue is out now at NATPE Budapest International 2022.

It has been three years since our magazine last came out here in Budapest. That is a long time. A lot of things changed during this time due to the pandemic and the industry is still in a type of a hybrid mode of making “virtual” and “in-person” business.

For that reason, most of our new issue will be dedicated to the business, trends and deals that are set to mark NATPE Budapest International.

However, we do not forget what is happening in Ukraine and bring you three more stories about the war: one in the form of documentaries, and two with the personal accounts of Ukrainian military correspondents.

After the COVID break, we once again bring you the CEE Breakout Hits and PITCH&PLAY LIVE! format contest organized in partnership with NATPE.

In this issue, we also look into the increasing saturation of the VOD niche in CEE, and also at the big challenges for media freedom in the region.

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